PaperCity Magazine

March 2019- Houston

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88 American decorative arts and paintings. Wolf commissioned a Houston artist to paint a wall mural on silver-leaf paper for her dining room, based on one at Bayou Bend. She's also influenced by the work of late Italian designer Renzo Mongiardino, who often used local artisans to paint murals for his projects. But nothing is more all-American than a melting pot of cultures, and Wolf's house certainly reflects that. Her sunroom is French inspired with furniture uphol- stered in fabrics she bought in France. "It has a Madeleine Castaing vibe," she says of the eccentric Paris antiques dealer who revolutionized 1920s rooms with her Proustian romanticism. "Castaing designed rooms around objects and furnishings that moved her," Wolf says. "She was a fan of Napoleon III furniture, which was not in style in her day. My sofa is of that period." Castaing would have loved the sunroom's trompe l'oeil floor. Based on antique Italian tile designs, it's hand-painted by Houston artisans who used a single antique tile as a starting point. On the other hand, the bedroom could be inside an English country house. "There are window seats, and we stack books everywhere," Wolf says. "It's layered like the English house of my dreams." In the living room, she's mixed 18th-century American furniture inherited from her mother-in-law

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