PaperCity Magazine

May 2019- Houston

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76 CAM READY ART DIRECTION MICHELLE AVIÑA. PHOTOGRAPHY PÄR BENGTSSON. STEVEN HEMPEL LOOKS AT THE NEW PLAYER IN THE CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE LANDSCAPE — CAM STUDIO F or Carla Muñoz, there was never any question of what she would do, but rather when she would do it. She knew her next venture would be with contemporary furniture; it's part of who she is. Almost two decades ago, she opened her first contemporary furniture store at Decorative Center Houston. At the time, the landscape for furniture was completely different. The city was less international, and brands such as B&B Italia and Minotti were relatively unknown. Fast-forward to the present, and Minotti and its ilk now dominate the international contemporary-furniture landscape. And Houston, increasingly cosmopolitan, now appreciates these brands in a way that was simply not possible when she began. Yang bed and ottoman, Cesar bedside table, and Ellis gold table, all Minotti. Limited-edition Astral rug, Bocci 84 pendant light.

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