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73 "One of my favorite paintings in the history of art has always been Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights. With a shout-out to Mr. Darwin, I've always tried to create my own worlds where things are juxtaposed in settings that are natural and altered. This par- ticular piece, to me, represents a world that is deeply troubled and flawed. These amazing animals are looking up with perplexed expressions from the Garden of Eden and asking, 'What in the hell have you done to our wonderful world?'" JOHN ALEXANDER THE TEMPTATION, 2019 COURTESY THE ARTIST AND SICARDI AYERS BACINO, HOUSTON. COURTESY THE ARTIST AND McCLAIN GALLERY, HOUSTON. "This is an anatomically correct small sculpture modeled after a grain of pollen of a dandelion. The similarity to the C O V I D - 1 9 is obvious. In this case, this pollen wants to fertilize a flower in order to pass on his genes. Isn't it the same strategy as the virus?" MARIA FERNANDA CARDOSO POLLEN IS MALE: DANDELION, 2012