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B U T N O T O U R P U R P O S E O U R B A L L H A S B E E N C A N C E L E D For 67 years Jewel Charity has focused on providing our community's smallest members with medical care, regardless of their families' ability to pay. Children are diagnosed daily with life-threatening illnesses, and recent events have added additional hardships. In these uncertain times, the need is great. Please join us as we continue to bring hope and healing to these precious patients. All gifts will go directly to Cook Children's to provide nancial assistance to patients and families who are coping with a medical crisis. Together we can create an environment of support for families. Together we can be... J E W E L C H A R I T Y B E N E F I T I N G C O O K C H I L D R E N ' S | J E W E L C H A R I T Y . C O M