Chanel lambskin-and-metal handbag $3,000 at the Chanel boutique. L'Objet Jasmin d'Inde No.6 candle $95, and Lips incense holder $95, both at Forty Five Ten,
Madison, Neiman Marcus. Hermès orange bag charm in lambskin and calfskin $445, at the Hermès boutique. L'Objet chess set $1,795, at Forty Five Ten, Madison, Santa Maria Novella Melograno bath salts $55, at Grange Hall. Arte Italica Vetro highball glass $84 at Linen Boutique, Neiman Marcus. Richard
Ginori Oriente Vide Poche in Citrino $225, at Forty Five Ten, The Ivy House. Vintage French tea service in gold $900, at Kuhl-Linscomb. Backdrop, antique jacquard
cloth with bullion fringe, France, early 20th century, $950, at