PaperCity Magazine

Round Top Show Guide Fall 2021

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Jim Kastleman JACK THOMPSON I love listening to people talk about the show. I hear words like chaotic, overwhelming, and even crazy. My personal favorite is nomadic. As the Webster brothers define it: "Roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement." Brilliant way to define the Round Top Antiques Show experience. Some people do find it overwhelming and don't know where to start. Our intent is to help organize the chaos while trying not to completely stifle the nomadic experience. We're lucky: The partners who participate in the Show Guide are generally known to be the best of show. A logical first step is to look at the visuals (and words) in the ads, and be inspired about who to visit. Most of the more important venues have a Spotlight spread, where they list their highlights and offer a layout of their property. The category list of who carries what is critical if you're looking for specific items. Then there are maps to show who is where. Finally, there are our more editorial pages of where to eat, drink, sleep, with a shout- out to the year-round shopping in the area (yes, many people come back to this magical place throughout the year). We can't list everyone in these limited pages, so you'll see we direct folks to our website,, for more lists — and those lists are growing. We've worked very hard to put information online that will help navigate the area, both in and out of the shows. Those lists are more inclusive and make the site the entry point for anyone visiting. Finally, if you want to splurge, we offer a concierge service at our physical "world headquarters" at The Halles. While we can't call and book a spa treatment or organize a limo (just yet), our concierge scouts are constantly out and about, seeing who has what, and can help create an itinerary. It requires the purchase of a VIP ticket, but you get a bunch of swag included, as well as access to the VIP lounge for relaxing, working, or entertaining, plus complimentary food and drink. Go to and click the link for tickets. Cheers to another great show. Jim Kastleman Chairman 12

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