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C O M I N G T H I S FA L L : Big Easy Ranch proudly introduces THE COVEY, a spectacular 18-hole championship golf course designed by renowned course architect, Chet Williams. This highly anticipated course will complement the nine-hole par 3 course, along with the world class outdoor and sporting amenities that Big Easy Ranch has become widely known for. F E AT U R I N G : • 7,400 Yards • 80' Elevation Changes • Zoysia Fairways & Roughs L I M I T E D M E M B E R S H I P S A R E AVA I L A B L E B Y I N V I TAT I O N O N LY. I N F O @ B I G E A SY R A N C H . CO M TO U R S B Y A P P O I N T M E N T O N LY. "One of the things I am most pleased with on this golf course is that the holes look like the property. They do not feel like they were manufactured, but born from the land. They have the sense of place and character of this land. In my opinion, this is a characteristic of the world's greatest courses." ~ Chet Williams INTRODUCING A NEW 18-HOLE MASTERPIECE... BIGEASYRANCH.COM • COLUMBUS, TX . . . A G O L F E X P E R I E N C E L I K E N O OT H E R ! • TifEagle Greens • Natural Live Creeks • Stunning Waterfalls