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TEXAS DESIGN WEEK HOUSTON IS A TICKETED EVENT. TO PURCHASE TICKETS, AND FOR COMPLETE SCHEDULE, GO TO TEXASDESIGNWEEK.COM. Texas Design Week Houston A lways a designer favorite, Patterson Flynn opens a showroom in Decorative Center Houston this m o n t h , t h e i r f i r s t showroom outside of NYC to offer the full portfolio range of fabrics, wallcoverings, and trims, as well as custom rugs and broadloom. "The goal was to have the space feel like a combination of a beautiful boutique and workshop. A place clients love to visit because it feels inspirational rather than transactional," says Pamela Marshall, creative director of Patterson Flynn. "We've partnered with multiple artisans for the furniture and lighting throughout the space." Look for collections by Charlap Hyman, Thomas O'Brien, Miles Redd, and Mary McDonald. Acclaimed L.A. designer Mary McDonald's newest collection of rugs for Patterson Flynn is composed of hand-knotted silk and wool combining geometric forms and optical and tonal effects, such as patterns from backgammon boards, classical architectural forms, and European hedge mazes. McDonald's stunning collection of abaca fiber rugs take inspiration from the patterns found in marble floors of her favorite castles and homes in Europe, as well as Napoleonic star and pinwheel patterns. These formal patterns are translated into casual rugs made from hand-coiled abaca-leaf fibers, a natural material native to the Philippines that's been used since the 19th century. Rebecca Sherman Texas Design Week Houston: Mary McDonald illustrated talk and reception Wednesday, April 24, 10 am to noon, at the new Patterson Flynn Showroom, Decorative Center Houston. For tickets, go to Mary McDonald Mary McDonald Interiors, L.A. Mary McDonald for Patterson Flynn Clockwise from top: Riviera silk and wool rug. Polestar abaca fiber rug. Le Passage silk and wool rug. (Continued) Mary McDonald 81