PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston December 2024

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FEVER DREAM A MARSEILLE W h e n C o c o C h a n e l p u r c h a s e d a v i l l a i n the south of France in the 1930s, the siren call of relaxed dressing, fisherman stripes, cardigans, straw boater hats, and pearls for day was heard round the world. For Cruise 2024/2025, Chanel's Virginie Viard had thoughts of Marseille — the sun, architecture, music and dance, and a very strong sense of freedom. What emerged from this balmy reverie were diving hoods, embroidered fish in love, fishing nets, shells, faille blouses, waistcoats, and terry toweling flip-flops. Chanel Cruise Collection 2024-2025, at the Chanel boutique,

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