PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston December 2024

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THE WHIMSICAL DRAWING ROOM MATT AND HEATHER FRENCH FRENCH & FRENCH INTERIORS Divine Inspiration: The custom hand-painted Gracie mural was expanded into multiple pastoral scenes of an early American landscape, setting the tone for a depth-filled space that seamlessly blends the old and the new. Name -Dropping: Hand-painted Gracie mural. Coley Home silk-velvet sofas, chairs, custom banquettes, stools, and dining chairs. Sanderson X Giles Deacon tented fabric ceiling and custom cornices. Arteriors cocktail tables and chests. Chandelier Mulligan's. Rug New Moon Rugs. Art CoCollect. The Shade Store window coverings in Sanderson fabric. Benjamin Moore painted trim. Shelves Arteriors. "The Gracie paper is called American Folk, which was the draw. We love these softer colors and pastels — we wanted it to be feminine but to feel like somewhere you could dig in and get dirty and garden." — Heather French SARAH LINDEN 61

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