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PaperCity Houston December 2024

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WHAT EXACTLY DO T H O S E E L U S I V E STARS MEAN? HERE'S YOUR GUIDE. HOUSTON One Michelin Star BCN Taste & Tradition CorkScrew BBQ Le Jardinier March Musaafer Tatemó Bib Gourmand Belly of the Beast Blood Bros BBQ Ema Killen's Killen's BBQ Mala Sichuan Bistro Nam Giao Nancy's Hustle Nobie's Pinkerton's Barbecue The Pit Room Rosemeyer Bar-B-Q Rosie Cannonball Street to Kitchen Tejas Chocolate + Barbecue Theodore Rex Truth BBQ Recommended Restaurants Baso Bludorn Brisket & Rice Candente Hidden Omakase Late August Pappas Bros. Steakhouse * * Steven McDonald of Pappas Bros. Steakhouse received the Michelin Sommelier Award AUSTIN One Michelin Star Barley Swine Craft Omakase Hestia InterStellar BBQ la Barbecue LeRoy and Lewis Barbecue Olamaie No restaurants in Texas were awarded two or three stars. Austin had the most one-star restaurants (seven in total), and Houston came in second with six one-star eateries, while in San Antonio and Dallas, one restaurant in each city was awarded a Michelin star. DALLAS One Michelin Star Tatsu FORT WORTH Bib Gourmand Goldee's BBQ Recommended Restaurants Birrieria y Taqueria Cortez Panther City BBQ Smoke'N Ash BBQ SAN ANTONIO One Michelin Star Mixtli * * Hailey Pruitt and Lauren Beckman of Mixtli received the Michelin Outstanding Service Award. For more restaurant categories, go to One Star (*) - High-quality cooking, worth a stop. It's awarded to restaurants using t o p - q u a l i t y i n g re d i e n t s , where dishes with distinct flavors are prepared to a consistently high standard. Two Stars (**) - Excellent cooking, worth a detour. Awarded when the personality and talent of the chef are evident in their expertly crafted dishes; their food is refined and inspired. Three Stars (***) - Exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey. The highest award is given for the superlative cooking of chefs at the peak of their profession; their cooking is elevated to an art form, and some of their dishes are destined to become classics. Green Star (*) - A stand- alone designation, the annual award highlights restaurants that offer dining e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t combine culinary e x c e l l e n c e w i t h o u t s t a n d i n g e c o - friendly commitments, such as working with sustainable producers and suppliers to avoid waste and reduce/ remove plastic and other non-recyclable materials from their supply chain. Bib Gourmand - Not quite a star, but most definitely not a consolation prize, the Bib Gourmand — named after Bibendum, the marshmallow-like Michelin Man, the official company mascot for the Michelin Group — is a just-as-esteemed rating that recognizes friendly establishments that serve good food at moderate prices. Recommended - A restaurant in the Recommended selection is the sign of a chef using quality ingredients that are well cooked — simply a good meal. The inspectors have found the food to be above average, but not quite at star or Bib level. Michelin Inspector's 5 Restaurant Rating Criteria: 1. Quality of products. 2. Mastery of flavor and cooking techniques. 3. The personality of the chef represented in the dining experience. 4. Harmony of the flavors. 5. Consistency between inspectors' visits. AND THE WINNERS ARE … Chef Luis Roger, BCN Taste & Tradition Musaafer BCN Taste & Tradition (Continued from page 79)

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