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Local Cause Sponsor Go Red for Women is nationally sponsored by Live Fierce. Be Relentless. Sponsor ©2024 American Heart Association, Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit. All rights reserved. Go Red for Women is a registered trademark of the AHA. The Red Dress Design is a trademark of the U.S. DHHS. Unauthorized use prohibited. Join us on a journey to change the future of women's health. We will educate, empower and celebrate at the 2025 Go Red for Women Luncheon. We know that when women come togethe r, we're unstoppable. Join us as we Go Red for Women. SPONSORSHIP AND TABLE INFORMATION: MEGHAN.DOURS@HEART.ORG F R I D A Y , M A R C H 7 , 2 0 2 5 | F A I R M O N T H O T E L - D A L L A S 2 0 2 5 D A L L A S G O R E D F O R W O M E N L U N C H E O N The Sky's the Limit!