PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas December 2024

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(Continued from page 50) Viva Dallas Las G uests made their way across the street to find an expansive seated supper beneath the starlit sky. The brilliant team at Todd Events made the dinner in the park a little more homespun and fun this year with chicken fingers and gourmet dipping sauces. Post-dinner, there was dancing under the stars to '90s country tribute band Straight Tequila Night, underwritten by Klyde Warren Park board chair Jody Grant and wife, Sheila. Spotted: the evening's honorary chair, philanthropist Lyda Hill, plus Lisa Shaddock, Kristin and James Hallam, Merry and Chad Vose, Rachel Scoggins, Monica and Brent Christopher, Meredith and Woody Abbott, Tully and Dan Phillips, deputy chairman of Christie's Auction House Capera Ryan, Lael and Peter Brodsky, Heather Washburne, Maggie Kipp, Sheila and Jesse Jackson, Marlene and John Sughrue, Melinda Knowles, Myrna and Bob Schlegel, Clay and Lisa Cooley, Christina and Lane Hamilton, Laura Wilson, Margot Perot, Kit Sawers, Christy and Adam Blumenfeld, Wanda and Dean Fearing, and Kimberly and Justin Whitman. Lyda Hill, Kit Sawers Post-dinner two-stepping at Party in the Park Kyle Branch, Robin Wilkes, Anne Wallach Dianna Miller, Maggie Kipp, Joshua Rossignol Melinda Knowles Billy Fong Jody & Sheila Grant John & Jennifer Gates, Roger & Marianne Staubach Amy & Jamie Mentgen Mark & Stephene Tolocko Sheila & Jesse Jackson Grant Moise, Macy Moise Lael & Peter Brodsky 52

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