PaperCity Magazine

Round Top Winter Show Guide 2024-25

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ROUND ABOUT ROUND TOP D ouble D Ranch debuted its new 2 , 5 0 0 - s q u a r e - foot permanent showroom at The Halles this fall, with jaw-dropping Western wear and boot collections and a selfie -magnet neon installation. The brand is known for its bold Western wear — a confluence of cowboy, bohemian, and Native American heritage; Aerosmith's Steven Tyler is a fan. Double D — which stands for Doug and Daughters — was founded by sisters Audrey Franz, Cheryl McMullen (creative director) and Hedy Carter with their mother, Margie McMullen. The Halles is their third location, following the original in Yoakum, Texas, and a second at the Fort Worth Stockyards that opened two years ago. Double D may be known for vintage fashion, but reworked vintage and new designs created in-house are available at the Round Top location — statement-making Western classics in bold colors with studs, silver concho buttons, artwork from Julie Asher, fringe, and witty statements rendered in chain stitch. Look for the largest boot selection of all three stores in Round Top, as well as the Wide Open Trails and Chisholm Trail fall collections, and a rodeo collection, launching in January. Double D Ranch at The Halles, Halle 3; open during the Round Top Winter Antiques & Design Show, January 23 through 26, and year-round every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday (starting December 5);, Candice Cowin HOWDY DOUBLE D RANCH! MITCHELL FRANZ 18

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