PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas January February 2025

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Night Museum Perot's Magda Veja, Ashley Chellgren, Catalina Gonzalez Maria Zajia, Geraldine Parker, Meredith Abbott Raises $2 Million Photography Tamytha Cameron W HAT: The Perot Museum of Nature and Science Night at the Museum, co-chaired by Dr. Pamela J. Okada and Mark Okada, welcomed nearly 1,000 guests for a night of food-fueled fascination that benefited the Museum's educational programs. For one night, the family-focused museum invited guests to leave children at home and explore the space — even for grown- ups, there's something magical about exploring a museum after hours. Add in cocktails, and a grand time ensues. DIVINE DETAILS: Valdivia Ventures once again masterminded the immersive event, which included a stunning performance by dancers from Texas Ballet Theater and hundreds of white orchids from Jackson Durham Events. Musicians from Jordan Kahn Music Company serenaded, and exclusive catering partner Wolfgang Puck Catering pulled out all the stops. To close the night, the Eugene McDermott Foundation hosted a jubilant after-party with DJ RomiQ and an epic dessert display that could satisfy even a Tyrannosaurus' sweet tooth. IN TOTAL: The evening raised $2 million to support the Perot Museum's ongoing mission to expand STEM education and support educational programs. SEEN: Eugene McDermott CEO Linda Silver, Lyda Hill, Nancy and Randy Best, Dennis and Annika Cail, Santiago Jorba and Catalina Gonzalez Jorba, Missy Rogers Peck and Tim Peck, Shelby Wagner, Niven Morgan, Cara Freeman, Lora Farris, John and Miriam Spradling, Forrest and Sally Hoglund, Peter and Caren Kline, Regen Horchow, and Ken Hersh. at the PAPERCITY PROMOTION Pam & Mark Okada Linda Silver Tim & Missy Rogers Peck KC & Koli Hurst Patrick & Lindsay Gehan Reese Rachel Scoggins Vodi Cook Macki & Emory McKim, Tori & Ross Mulford 100

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