PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas January February 2025

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Centennial Kickoff (Photo by United Way Staff ) WE HAVE BIG DREAMS FOR ALL OF BIG D. BUT WE DON'T JUST DREAM. WE DO. WE CONNECT. WE TAKE ACTION. Our Centennial Anniversary is a full year of special events, with high-impact volunteer opportunities, renowned speakers, and unforgettable experiences. We hosted a very special Centennial Kickoff Event that marked the start of a yearlong celebration of United Way's 100 years of transformative impact across North Texas. At our December Ruth Sharp Altshuler Tocqueville Society Luncheon, we celebrated The Eugene McDermott Foundation's momentous $5 million investment, which will fuel our movement as we work together to build a brighter future for all North Texans. S A V E T H E D AT E F O R O U R CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION N O V E M B E R 15 , 2 0 2 5 O U R C O R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S L E A D U N I T E D T O C R E AT E L A S T I N G C H A N G E I N N O R T H T E X A S VIP Reception at Centennial Kickoff (Photo by Don Alexander) Alice Farmer, Lyda Hill, Christy Williams (Photo by Don Alexander) Jennifer Sampson, Mar y Cook, Sam Self (Photo by Tamy tha Cameron) Kristy Faus, Neena Newberr y, Carol March, Kevin March, Raymond Faus (Photo by Tamy tha Cameron) Whitney Mar tin, Shannon Murray, Jenny Hill, Mackenzie Kleiner t, Kimber Westphall Clonts, Britt Sogard Carman (Photo by United Way Staff ) Carol & Don Glendenning (Photo by Tamy tha Cameron) Andy Smith, Jennifer Sampson, Agustín Ar teaga (Photo by Tamy tha Cameron) Jennifer Sampson, Steven Williams, Cur t Farmer, Antonio Carrillo, Jim Burke (Photo by Don Alexander)

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