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PaperCity Dallas January February 2025

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F airs are in the a i r i n 2 0 2 5 . While Houston awaits Untitled Art in the fall (September 18 – 21), Dallas gets its own heralded addition to the fair circuit with Salon Art + Design, the first edition outside of NYC. Calendar these dates: Wednesday through Sunday, March 26 through 30, at the historic 1941 modernist Block House in the East Quarter district that neighbors downtown and Deep Ellum). One of the jewels of Sanford L. Smith + Associates' crown, Salon Art + Design's signature Manhattan edition enters its 14th year in November, staged in the historic Park Avenue Armory. (SLSA's other fair imprints include the Art Dealers Association of America's The Art Show and the ABAA New York International Antiquarian Book Fair, both held at the Park Avenue Armory.) Dallas is the only city outside NYC for this design- focused boutique fair — and it's the perfect next step for Salon, according to fair director Nicky Dessources. At press time, significant dealers were lining up, including many veterans of Salon's New York edition. Expect nearly 40 galleries to participate. Confirmed to date are: Boccara Gallery (New York), known for 20th-century tapestries including textiles by Picasso, Léger, and Picabia; DK Farnum (New York), exceptional signed 20th-century estate jewelry by Verdura, Boucheron, Paul Flato, and Schlumberger; Elisabetta Cipriani OBSESSIONS. DECORATION. SALIENT FACTS. The Bold Dallas Debut of Salon Art + Design Fair (London), wearable art jewelry including artist commissions by Ai Weiwei and Carlos Cruz- Diez, among others; Galerie Marcilhac (Paris), important 20th-century French decorative arts, with an emphasis on Art Deco, Royere to Ruhlmann; Galerie Mini Masterpieces ( P a r i s ) , c o l l e c t i b l e jewelry crafted by artists, designers, and architects; Priveekollektie (Heusden, the Netherlands), contemporary design, sculpture, painting (especially hyperrealism), and installation work; Todd Merrill Studio (New York), 20th-century design by Milo Baughman, Pedro Friedeberg, Paul Evans, and more, paired with contemporary masters of furniture, lighting, ceramics, and glass; and Yvel (Jerusalem, Palm Beach), internationally recognized high jewelry, known for their artistry with pearls. Salon — which takes place two weeks before Dallas Art Fair (April 10 through 13) — promises to amplify the cultural impact of Spring 2025. Salon Art + Design's expansion to Dallas is about far more than presenting exceptional art and collectible design, says Dessources. "It's about celebrating Dallas' distinctive cultural identity and strengthening its thriving art and design scene." Salon Art + Design Dallas, March 26 – 30 at Block House, 507 S. Harwood St.; VIP events Wednesday, March 26; Clockwise from top, exhibiting Salon Art + Design Dallas this March: Galerie Marcilhac (Paris). Todd Merrill Gallery (New York). Boccara Gallery (New York). By Catherine D. Anspon. Photography Peter Baker.

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