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A suite at Aman New York, one of 83 N orway-based architect Todd Saunders designed Fogo Island Inn with respect to the nature and culture of Newfoundland, his birthplace. The inn's distinctive stilt-like columns were designed to minimize impact on the environment while evoking the Canadian province's traditional wooden buildings. Twenty-nine rooms and suites offer stunning views of the Atlantic through floor-to-ceiling windows. The hotel is part of charity organization Shorefast's work of boosting the economy and culture of Fogo Island. fogoislandinn. ca. Caitlin Hsu FOGO ISLAND INN, NEWFOUNDLAND H otelier Valéry Grégo r e i m a g i n e s a 1 7 t h - century convent in the heart of Nice's Old Town. This landmark's historic architecture and craftsmanship were restored by Grégo's company, Perseus, over a 10-year period and is now being unveiled as a place of sanctuary and wellness, with 88 rooms and suites, Roman-inspired thermal baths, 2.5 acres of gardens, an art-focused library, and views of the Old Town. hotelducouvent. com. Caitlin Hsu HÔTEL DU COUVENT, NICE, FRANCE ALEX FRADKIN GIULIO GHIRADI 61