PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston January February 2025

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Page 25 of 67

Cutlines (Continued from page 22) P C Seen: PRH director Danielle Burns Wilson with founders Rick Lowe, George Smith, Bert Samples, and Floyd Newsum (who passed away soon after); former Mayor Sylvester Turner; silent- auction artists including Robert Hodge, Robert Pruitt; Angelbert Metoyer, and Marc Furi; Nancy and Richard Kinder (the Kinder Foundation was this $630,000 evening's presenting sponsor); Anita and Gerald Smith; Mallory and Jackson Smith; Terri and Troy Hamm; Vernique and Mark Francis; Sis and Hasty Johnson; Justice Margaret Poissant; Joi Maria and Matt Probus; Gaynell Floyd Drexler and daughter Kathryn Elise Drexler; and Input Output's Billy Baccam and Alex Ramos, the artist duo who orchestrated the majestic projections at Emancipation Park. 30 Candles Devin The Dude Trinity "TriStar" Pasco-Stardust Kathryn Elise Drexler Arnea Williams, Josie Pickens, Tay Butler Christopher Paul Burniss Earl Travis II 24

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