PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston January February 2025

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Properties Sold in 2024 2901 Bammel Ln. #35 1807 Brun St. 6332 Cebra St. 14703 Chapel Cove Ct. 9007 Charmwood Ln. 3737 Cogdell St. #644 808 Crawford St. #1608 3121 Dallas St. 1817 Driscoll St. 2234 Foreland Dr. 4219-A Gibson St. 6310 Grand Blvd. 2117 1/2 Hazard 2311 Huldy St. 1515 Hyde Park Blvd. #40 5353 Institute Ln. #37 1204 Joe Annie St. 1210 Marconi St. 1216 Nelson Falls Ln. 2611 Night Song Dr. 1923 Norfolk St. 6261 Olympia Dr. 3751 Panalero Ln. 8826 Parkcrest Forest Dr. 3625 Pecan Dr. 7888 Pecan Villas Dr. 3345-A Reeves St. 4411 Rosslyn Rd. 4323 Sanford Rd. 2003 Shadowbriar Dr. 18502 Spellman Ridge Dr. 6828 Staffordshire Blvd. 1808 Stanford St. 216 Stratford #2 1394 Studer St. 2534 Tall Ships Dr. 3739 University Dr. 1615 Vermont St. 3623 W. Alabama 1325-C W. Clay St. 2221 W. Dallas St. #136 4722 Warm Springs Rd. 4410 Westheimer Rd. #1111 507 Woodard St. 3123 Wren Vally Tr. 2136 Yale St. Houston Real Estate - Refined. Jeremy Fain 713.67 7.4337 jfain@greenwoodk w w jaixfain "Jeremy was amazing to work with. He was always so positive, responsive, and prepared. I really appreciated the research and coordination that went into our meetings. It assured me that he had a good pulse on the market and was providing us sound advice. Highly recommend."

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