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C L A S S I C E U R O P E A N A N D E A R LY A M E R I C A N A N T I Q U E S Featuring the collections of 2 Lucy's Antiques, Leighton Hale Antiques and Designs by Grace 8570 Katy Freeway, Suite 111, Houston, TX 77024 713.827.9292 | now to next. Client: Back Row Creative Director: K. BABB Art Director: Bleed: n/a Copywriter: Trim: n/a Proofreader: N. TUCKER Live: 5.065" x 8.55" Studio Artist: BSM Inspected By: Colors: 4/c Production Manager: C. CAPOSINO DPI: 300 Project Manager: L. WILMESMEIER 003809_PaperCity_APRIL_2014_Insertion.indd Revision: 0 Created: 3/6/14 Printed @ 100% MECHANICAL LIVE LIVE 003809_PaperCity_April_2014.indd 1 3/6/14 5:05 PM 1101-02 Uptown Park Blvd. Houston, TX 77056 713.621.4241 Longoria Collection PILLOW SALE Red & White Gallery On the Historic Square Fayetteville, Texas HOUSTON COLUMBUS LA GRANGE AUSTIN SAN ANTONIO FAYETTEVILLE I-10 71 Untitled acrylic on paper 30 x 22" Charles Schorre: The Last Show Red & White Gallery Opening May 10th Fayetteville, Texas Opening May 10th, 5- 8pm Exhibit thru June 14th