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as if the tub has overflowed with too many bubbles. And because they used so many different white textures and surfaces, a pristine atmosphere is created without it feeling sterile or cold. WHAT ARE THE SMARTEST THINGS YOU DID IN THIS RENOVATION? ANY CHOICES YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE DIFFERENTLY? The smartest thing we did was to make the bathroom accessible, in case something health- wise happens to either of us. It's hard to tell by looking at it, isn't it? But there are cool-looking grab bars in the shower and WC area. The sinks could be used by someone in a wheelchair if needed, the WC has that fabulous washing seat, and there is a small kitchenette, too. The only thing we saved from the original bath was the Robern bath storage cabinets. I wouldn't give them up for anything. Did you notice there was nothing on the counter? It's because we simply open the doors on those cabinets and everything — even my hair dryer — is plugged in there. But the new versions have one tall single door. Now we wish we had those, so that we had a full-length mirror in the bath. DOWN TO THE NITTY-GRITTY: FROM GLASS SHOWER DOORS TO POLISHED-NICKEL FAUCETS, WHAT ARE THE BEST TIPS FOR KEEPING THAT NEWLY BUILT BATHROOM AS PRETTY AS THE DAY IT WAS FINISHED? Cleaning is so important to keeping the bathroom looking showroom new. The single most important thing everyone needs to do is simply take your towel and dry off everything. I can't stress this enough. It keeps water spots, dried-on minerals and soap scum from forming. For weekly cleaning across the board, never use anything with grit like Soft Scrub — ever — and nothing with ammonia, because it clouds beautiful finishes and mirrors. And do be sure and have a squeegee in the shower to wipe down the shower glass. As for the stone and the floors, most can be cared for with mild soap mixed in water, followed by a clear water rinse. FIXTURES • Faucets: Fantini Rubinetti. • Tiles: tumbled Carrara marble, stream Carrara marble and three types of crystal glass tiles, all from Thorntree. • Stone: Honed Carrara and absolute-black granite on the morning kitchen. • Toilet: Toto Pacifica with Washlet seat. • Mirrors: Robern. • Counters: Nano Glass. • Flooring: Armstrong Striations Atmosphere. YOU AND RICHARD INITIALLY WORKED WITH MARLYS TOKERUD ON YOUR HOME'S INTERIOR DESIGN. WHEN YOUR MASTER BATH NEEDED FRESHENING UP 13 YEARS LATER, YOU REACHED OUT TO MARLYS AGAIN. WHAT WAS YOUR DIRECTIVE? We wanted a white bath, from top to bottom. We started with the white Murano glass handles of the Fantini Rubinetti faucets, and she took it from there. AS OWNER OF ELEGANT ADDITIONS (A RETAIL AND WHOLESALE SHOWROOM IN HOUSTON AND DALLAS THAT STOCKS THE LATEST AND MOST STYLISH FIXTURES FOR KITCHEN AND BATH), YOU'VE SEEN IT ALL. YET YOU WERE SEDUCED BY A TUB! TELL US ABOUT THE SOAKER THAT INSPIRED YOU TO LITERALLY RIP OUT YOUR ENTIRE BATHROOM TO MAKE ROOM FOR IT. That little change — putting a new tub into an existing deck — turned into "Why not start over completely?" The Jason MicroSilk tub is heaven. No more moisturizers — goodbye dry skin; hello, smooth, pink, softer skin. I was asked as a favor to try out this brand's new technology in bathtubs. I tested it with my hand, totally prepared to be nice. Boy, was that a costly test! Not only did I find it amazing, I ordered it the next week. It's great for everyone, but if you are over 40, you need this bath. [Editor's note: According to the literature, It delivers oxygen to the water, creating tiny micro-bubbles that carry wet oxygen into the pores to remove toxins and revitalize your skin. In 20 minutes, these micro-bubbles promote skin-cell growth, reduce fine lines and pigmentation, wrinkles, even scar formation. Callouses are nearly eliminated, as well as dry skin patches.] YOU'VE BUILT QUITE A STUNNING SHOWER. STEP INSIDE AND SHOW US HOW IT ALL WORKS… We have steam on demand. There is a rain- head fixture overhead that never clogs up with minerals. But then turn the second Murano glass handle, and you're standing under a waterfall — really. Turn the third control, and you have two 16-inch-long body bars that keep your whole body warm. And, finally, turn on the fourth head, and you have a water massage. I prefer to use them all at once. WHAT'S UNDERFOOT? The floor is a bio-based tile and feels like silk. We've never worn shoes in our bathroom; it feels too good to be barefoot. It's 85 percent limestone and 10 percent a recycled material that's hygienic and won a best in show 2012 architect's choice award at the international design awards. YOU CHOSE CHROME FIXTURES RATHER THAN POLISHED NICKEL OR HOT-AGAIN BRASS. WHY? All the credit here goes to Marlys Tokerud and Lindsay Robinson of Tokerud. They said it was a great opportunity to use the glass mosaic, AQUA JULIE KOCH OM owner ELEGANT ADDITIONS REIMAGINES HER OWN MASTER BATH RETREAT. " I WA S A S K E D A S A FAV O R TO T R Y O U T T H I S B R A N D ' S N E W T E C H N O LO GY I N B AT H T U B S. B OY, WA S T H AT A C O S T LY T E S T ! " Julie Koch AN W hen you earn your living procuring the highest-end bath and kitchen fixtures for design-savvy clients, people expect you to bathe among the best. True to form, Elegant Additions owners Julie Koch and her husband, Richard Humphreys, reside in a magazine-spread-worthy house in the Rice Military area (one that was featured in PaperCity several years ago). As time marches on, however, even the best choices are reconsidered, and even an expert can be seduced into renovating her own bath from top to bottom. Koch's inspiration? Of all things, a bathtub. B Y L A U R A N N C L A R I D G E P H O T O G R A P H Y J E N N Y A N T I L L Robern bath storage cabinets Murano glass Fantini faucets Jason MicroSilk tub Color-coordinated bath soaps