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32 I CANNOT LEAVE WITHOUT MENTIONING HOW EXTRAORDINARILY ELEGANT ALL THE LADIES IN THE ROOM LOOK. — Carolina Herrera #IMWITH HERRERA By Jane Rozelle. Photography Dana Driensky, Owen Kolasinski T o wear a Carolina Herrera is to be impec- cably dressed." So spoke Karen Katz, Neiman Marcus Group CEO and presi- dent, as she presented Carolina Herrera with the Neiman Marcus Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of Fashion at The Crystal Charity Ball Ten Best Dressed Women of Dallas Fashion Show and Luncheon. "Stanley Marcus believed in me from the beginning," said a gracious Herrera. "And 35 years later, here we are." Our day began at 10 am sharp, for a private meeting with Herrera. Awaiting her arrival, Neiman Marcus top brass buzzed. "The show is absolutely fabu- lous — fabulous!" NM VP and fashion director Ken Downing exclaimed as he spun through the Couture Salon. Also on hand was Lynne Sheldon, one of the designer's fi rst Dallas devotees. "It was August 1981," she told us. "It was her fi rst show on the road, as it were, and I bought nine pieces from that collection." In time, Herrera arrived, and from our chat we took away one ulti- mate bit of fashion advice: "The mirror," said Herrera, "never lies." Meanwhile, 500 guests fi lled NM's fi rst fl oor. A few fl oors up, Nancy Rogers hosted her annual private bash for the honorees. Cristal fl owed at the event Rogers started three years ago to calm the nerves of the ladies set to walk the runway. As pre-gaming concluded, the crowd fi led into a white tent adjacent to the down- town fl agship. Herrera's daughters, Carolina Herrera de Baez and Patricia Lansing, sat next to Town & Country's Sarah Bray. Jim Gold, Neiman Marcus Group's president, enter- tained photographer Bruce Weber at his table. Said Downing as he introduced Herrera's Resort 2017 collection: "The show is going to blow your mind." Indeed, it did. A PERFECT TEN — AND THEN SOME Crystal Charity Ball chair Christie Carter; Ten Best Dressed Fashion Show and Luncheon chair Pam Perella; Best Dressed: Anita Arnold, Katherine Coker, Janie Cond on, Tucker Enthoven, Heather Esping, Mary Clare Finney, Margaret Hancock, Pat Harloe, Julie Hawes, Piper Wyatt; hall of fame honoree Betsy Sowell; NM vp and downtown gm Jeff Byron; executive vp of stores Neva Hall; president and CEO of Carolina Herrera Francois Kress. Patricia Lansing, Carolina Herrera, Carolina Herrera de Baez Jacquelin Sewell Taylor Cara French Lauren Chapman Vicki Chapman Shelle Sills, DeeDee Lee Sunie Solomon Ken Downing Best in Show Tina Craig Jessica Nowitzki Lynne Sheldon Bruce Weber Nancy Dedman Kelli Ford Charlotte Jones Anderson Gene Jones Cami Goff Nancy Rogers Carolina Herrera Resort 2017 collection Erin Mathews Brittany Mathews