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"A J C T." This is what you get when you support a Texas treasure. "What is this place and why is it in the middle of nowhere?" We hear that a lot. It's a long story. Almost 50 years long. It's difficult to tell without visual aids so you will have to come see us to hear the whole story. Let it suffice to say this is what happens when a young international concert pianist with a big dream is welcomed into the small rural Texas town of Round Top. In the beginning we were tiny. We held performances on porches and the town square. Our visiting artists lodged in local homes and rehearsed on borrowed instruments. But with the kind-hearted support of our neighbors and friends we started thinking big. Today Festival Hill is an internationally respected center for performance and education. Our reputation rests upon the beauty of the Festival Hill campus and our world-famous Round Top Music Festival, which has grown from a few students to a symphony orchestra. We owe it all to our many generous friends who share our love of the arts, attend the concerts and applaud our hard work through charitable giving. We invite you to join us as a friend and supporter of this extraordinary Texas cultural achievement. Amazing things grow in the Texas countryside. James Dick, Founder & Artistic Director ROUND TOP FESTIVAL INSTITUTE A N-P P F J R, R T, T X () - FH.