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A rchitect David Stocker's office is just minutes from a favorite house he designed two decades ago in Highland Park, and he often drives by to see how it's holding up. "The goal for an architect is to have a house you still love after 20 years," he says. "Trends and styles change, but if you put together great bones, it looks beautiful forever." And this Spanish Colonial Revival house has enviable bones. Completed in 2003 while Stocker was a partner at Turner | Boaz Architecture — he is now a partner with SHM Architects — the house fits right in with the neighborhood's renowned Fooshee & Cheek-designed Spanish architecture from the '20s and ' 3 0 s , i n c l u d i n g n e a r b y H i g h l a n d Park Village. For inspiration, Stocker looked to ancient buildings in Spain and Italy, where he spent time earlier in his career; churches there are particularly b e a u t i f u l — t h e Highland Park house features an entry hall with a stunning white-plaster groin vault that's almost e c c l e s i a s t i c a l i n its purity. He also referenced the loggia from an exceptional Designer Chad Dorsey created a quiet focal point in the entryway with a cast-bronze chair by Houston designer Kelly Gale Amen, from Sputnik Modern. The loggia's center table is custom made from driftwood and concrete. 68