PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity HoustonJune 2024

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Mirror Mirror at the Ball I n honor of Houston Grand Opera's "Mirror Ball" theme — which reflected the impact of philanthropy and the arts on the community — guests and The Events Company giddily embraced that sparkling icon of the discotheque era, with ladies dressed in shimmering gowns and mirrored frocks. Not only did Isabel and Ignacio Torras chair the gala, but as owners of popular restaurants BCN Taste & Tradition and MAD, they tasked chef Luis Roger with creating a menu that gave a culinary salute to the couple's Spanish heritage. A further nod to Iberia was a performance of the "Habanera" from Bizet's Carmen by acclaimed mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard. The evening enriched the company's outreach and community programs by a glittering $1.3 million. Seen: HGO CEO and general director Khori Dastoor, HGO artistic and music director Patrick Summers, Anne and Albert Chao, Tom Ajamie, Claire Liu and Joe Greenberg, Beth Madison, Myrtle Jones, Marcia and Alfredo Vilas, Cynthia and Tony Petrello, Betty and Jess Tutor, Drs. Rachel and Warren Ellsworth, Janet Gurwitch and Ron Franklin, Dina Alsowayel and Tony Chase, Dian and Harlan Stai, and Molly and Jim Crownover. HOUSTON GRAND OPERA CELEBRATES IN A DISCO MOOD. By Shelby Hodge. Photography Michelle Watson, Katy Anderson, Quy Tran. Jonathan & Ann Ayre, Betty & Jess Tutor Drs. Rachel & Warren Ellsworth Elizabeth Colombowala Dancie Ware Ron Franklin & Janet Gurwitch Khori Dastoor Sima & Masoud Ladjevardian Duyen & Marc Nguyen Cynthia Petrello Celina Hellmund Chairmen Isabel & Ignacio Torras Brian Dunham & Allyson Pritchett Julien Nolan & Lily Jang 20

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