PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity HoustonJune 2024

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Estate of Mind F arrow & Ball's new wallpaper collection, The Purnon Papers, is inspired by patterns from Château de Purnon, a magnificent but crumbling estate built in 1788 in the Loire Valley. Once home to Antoine- Charles Achard, the Marquis de la Haye, the château now belongs to Australians Felicity Selkirk and Tim Holding, who are restoring it. Farrow & Ball's five wallpaper designs range from dainty florals to ornate damasks; elements of the original patterns, such as color and scale, have been freshly revised. The wallpapers reference a vast array of patterns found on the estate, from the geometric Achard — discovered in the humble linen press — to the delicate Auguste, procured from a private dressing room. Purnon's heron motif was pulled from an 18th-century folding screen, while Baracé's sophisticated floral was reimagined from a faded textile fragment found in the attic, which once crowned the bed belonging to the mother of Madame de La Motte-Baracé. Each wallpaper roll is handcrafted using either flatbed or roller block printing using Farrow & Ball paint, w h i c h creates a t e x t u r e similar to t h e c e n - turies-old originals. Farrow & Ball's The P u r n o n Papers, at Boxwood Interiors, 1 3 2 0 W. A l a b a m a St., farrow- R e b e c c a Sherman Clockwise from top: Farrow & Ball's The Purnon Papers in Baracé, Auguste, and Achard.

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