PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity HoustonJune 2024

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Hästens A s with diamonds, yachts, and airplanes, so it goes with Hästens' Grand Vividus bed: If you have to ask, you probably can't afford it. The million-dollar wonder was front and center when Swedish company Hästens opened its first Houston showroom in River Oaks District. The seven-figure sleep set was designed by Ferris Rafauli, reportedly in cooperation with Canadian rapper Drake. Bradley Belen, managing director of Hästens for MadaLuxe Group, introduced the masterpiece. "This bed is designed to not only be one of the most functional beds in the world but is designed as an aesthetic masterpiece to stand the test of time," he said. It takes Hästens craftsmen at least 600 hours to assemble and hand- stitch the $1 million bed at the sixth-generation family-run factory in Köping, Sweden — and there's a wait list of six to seven months. PC Seen: Nancy Almodovar, Heather Almond, Sarah Starry de Mendoza and Victor Mendoza, Maggie Glaser, Brooke and Tyler McDonald, Keli Rabon, Beth Muecke, Andrew Pappas, Kara Rockefeller Williams, Victoria Sheffield, Liba Stern, and Julie Cushman. Opens Million-Dollar Bed with a By Shelby Hodge. Photography Alex Montoya. Jodi Kahn, Heather Almond Keli Rabon Liba Stern, Shiva Tavakoli Dennise Carranza Anya Carranza Bradley Belen Hayley Free Bordes Brooke & Tyler McDonald Nikki Hohman Nancy Almodovar Victor Mendoza & Sarah Starry de Mendoza Gairy Natividad 68

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