PaperCity Magazine

January 2020- Dallas

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PHOTOGRAPHY TONY SOLIS. ART DIRECTION MICHELLE AVIÑA. STYLIST DOUG VOISIN, FOR IAA AGENCY. MODELS EMMA FOR THE INDUSTRY, NEW YORK, LUA FRO NEW ICON, NEW YORK. HAIR AND MAKEUP ROCIO VIELMA FOR SEAMINX, DALLAS. EDITORIAL ASSISTANT MEGHAN WEST. 33 C andy Darling once famously said, "You must always be yourself, no matter what the price. It is the highest form of morality." Candy was a Warhol superstar, fashion icon, and one of the most visible and celebrated Transwomen of the 20th century. She knew that the sincerest form of beauty came not only from knowing oneself but also from learning how to express that truth confidently without compromise. Featured in this story are models Cici Tamez and Mara Cifuentes, who share with Candy a vigilant and inspiring quest for self-actualization. They also radiate the same allure and grace made possible by that journey. As the dialogue about gender identity and inclusivity is sparked globally, we thought it was long overdue for PaperCity to feature individuals at the forefront of that conversation in the first issue of the new decade. Fred Holston

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