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T he table where I found myself perched was a n c h o r e d on one end b y N a n c y Rogers and Becca Cason Thrash (in from Houston with Holly Moore). Others gathered with me were Ann Hobson, Christen Wilson, Cindy Rachofsky, Jennifer Eagle, and Marguerite Hoffman. Leave it to hyper- vigilante Bolke to ensure that every detail that afternoon was pitch-perfect. Celebrating Bolke: Ceron, Piper Wyatt, Liz Thrash, Leigh Anne Clark, Lael Brodsky, Michael McCray and Gonzalo Bueno, Jennifer Karol, Kenny Goss, Joyce Goss, Derek Wilson, Amanda Francis, Claire Emanuelson, Moll Anderson, B e c k y B o w e n , M e g h a n Looney, Suzanne and David Droese (David's Droese Raney architecture firm was responsible for the new store's interiors), S t e p h e n S u m m e r s , a n d John Scott. Marguerite Hoffman Jennifer Eagle Kara Goss Jennifer Karol Adam Lippes Brian Bolke Stephen Summers, Cindy Brown, Megan & Brady Wood Missy Peck Phillip Cottone David & Suzanne Droese Darryl Bolke Reed Robertson Kenny Goss, Derek Wilson, Joyce Goss Susan Rutledge, Ann Hobson Claire Emanuelson Billy Fong, Lucy Wrubel Patricia Quirino Shelby Wagner & Niven Morgan Gonzalo Bueno & Michael McCray Cindy Rachofsky, Ceron, Becca Cason Thrash