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S AV E TH E DATE | FA LL ED ITI O N NOVEMBER 18 – 20, 2022 S I LV ER STR EE T ST U D I O S 2000 Edwards Street, Houston, TX 77007 | FREE Parking on Site HO USTO NANTIQ U ESARTDESIGN .COM DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME INFO@DOLPHINFAIRS.COM HAADS CAFE PRESENTED BY BAILEY & CONNOR PRODUCED BY DOLPHIN PROMOTIONS HOURS Friday & Saturday: 11am–6pm Sunday: 11am–4pm A DM I S S I O N $20 FREE PARKING 60 premier exhibitors from across the U.S., Canada, Europe and South America off ering fi ne antique furniture, silver, paintings, bronzes, porcelain, estate jewelry, pottery, rare books, lighting, prints, vintage clothing and accessories, representing all design movements of the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries — and introducing 20th century modern.