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16 The Conservatory Debuts in a Most THOUGHTFUL Way OBSESSIONS. DECORATION. SALIENT FACTS. W hen it comes to The Conservatory, Brian Bolke moves thoughtfully — and quietly. At least that's been the case in his hometown of Dallas, where the retail veteran behind Forty Five Ten (he left the luxury fashion company in 2017 when it was acquired by Headington Companies) opened The Conservatory in New York City, then discreetly opened a 400-square-foot sister store in Dallas's Highland Park Village which expanded to 9,000 square feet (including the addition of The Teak Tearoom) at the start of 2022. There's always plenty of buzz about anything he touches. After all, under the guidance of Bolke and his late partner, Shelly Musselman, Forty Five Ten became a r g u a b l y D a l l a s ' preeminent luxury shopping destination — and its edgiest. T h e C o n s e r v a t o r y m a i n t a i n s t h a t mystique, stocking the shelves with emerging a n d h a r d - t o - f i n d women's and men's fashion names, well- edited home goods and items for wellbeing. Bolke announcing a fourth installment of The Conservatory in Houston's River O a k s D i s t r i c t o n the day of its actual opening is perfectly on brand. The sun-soaked, gallery-like space at 4 4 4 4 We s t h e i m e r Road stocks thoughtful luxury names — many o f t h e m , H o u s t o n exclusives — including women's apparel by Gabriela Hearst, Maison Margiela, and Courréges; accessories by Metier, Paul Andrew, and Neous; and jewelry by Sidney Garber, Mallary Marks, Tabayer, Shihara, and Lisa Eisner. For men, look for NN07, Berluti, Maison Margiela and more. "We are bringing new brands, many with a focus on sustainability, and unexpected edits to Houston," Bolke says. In addition to men's and women's apparel, home decor, jewelry, and accessories, The Conservatory has always prioritized Wellbeing, a blend of beauty and wellness that's also the retailer's fastest growing category. The serums by Vintner's Daughter and genderless fragrance brands like Maison d'Etto and D.S. & Durga are among the bestsellers. "For us, it's not about selling stuff," Bolke says. "Because for that, you should just buy it on Amazon. We're selling discovery through curation, storytelling, a n d s e r v i c e . " T h e C o n s e r v a t o r y i n H o u s t o n , 4 4 4 4 Westheimer Road in River Oaks District, Caitlin Clark The Conservatory opens in Houston's River Oaks District. Brian Bolke