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I nterior designer Mary Patton has opened a storefront on Bissonnet, emblazoned with her signature chic gray-and-white-striped awnings on the white-painted brick building. Inside, you'll find a stylish mix of mid- century reupholstered furniture and custom furniture of Patton's own design, alongside vintage quilts, lighting, and accessories. Patton worked in the fashion industry for Calvin Klein and designed her own handbag line prior to opening her design firm; a Round Top regular, she also held court at a booth at Bader Ranch this past show. At her Houston storefront, she sells her own vibrant paintings and punchy art by other visual artists, as well as her new line of blush-toned ornaments for the holidays. The space will host designer pop-ups — most recently, Mexican ceramic collection Helenita Home. Appointment only through January 2023; Mary Patton Design, 2439 Bissonnet St., Anne Lee Phillips There's Something About Book Signing with Waterworks Co-founder Barbara Sallick O ne of the luminaries of American bath d e s i g n , B a r b a r a S a l l i c k — c o - f o u n d e r , w i t h h u s b a n d R o b e r t Sallick, of the iconic brand Waterworks — comes to town for the launch of her latest book, The Ultimate Bath (Rizzoli, $60), with a talk and book signing at Elegant Additions Tuesday, November 15. The Sallicks founded Waterworks in Danbury, Connecticut, 44 years ago, and their son Peter Sallick now runs the company, with Elegant Additions as the exclusive Houston outpost for the dashing bath and kitchen fixtures. The range of creativity in the modern bath plays out in the pages of The Ultimate Bath, which launches this month, in projects by some of today's most celebrated architects and interior designers, including Ray Booth, Miles Redd, Drake/Anderson, Ken Fulk, McAlpine, Summer Thornton, Suzanne Kasler, Nate Berkus, Commune Design, Gil Schafer, Nickey Kehoe, Jay Jeffers, Ike Kligerman Barkley, Doniphan Moore, Michael G. Imber Architects, and Brigette Romanek. The aesthetics offer odes to nature with rejuvenating views while exuding exuberant pattern and the maxim "More is more." Others possess high style and commune with the past or exotic civilizations or are ethereal and restrained. Cocktails, talk and book signing Tuesday, November 15, 5 to 6:30 pm, at Elegant Additions, 104 W. 12th St.; RSVP to Jennifer Gaumond, jenniferg@elegantadditions. net. Catherine D. Anspon The Ultimate Bath at Elegant Additions IMAGES © THE ULTIMATE BATH BY BARBARA SALLICK, RIZZOLI NEW YORK, 2022 SAM FROST STUDIO Bath design Jane Hallworth The new Mary Patton Design shop 56