PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas June 2024

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On view through April 13, 2025 When You See Me presents nearly 60 works by many of today's leading artists whose work explores representation through hypervisibility, invisibility, and the desire to be seen—or not seen. Featured artists include Pacita Abad, Mark Bradford, Simone Leigh, Deborah Roberts, Ryan Trecartin & Lizzie Fitch, and Salman Toor, among others. W h en y o u s e e m e (det a i l), 2019. Debora h Rober t s. M i xed med ia a nd col lage on ca nv a s. Da l la s Mu seu m of A r t, T WO x T WO for A I DS a nd A r t F u nd, 2020.20. © Debora h Rober t s. Cou r tes y t he a r t i st a nd Stephen Fr ied ma n Ga l ler y, L ondon a nd New York. W hen You See Me: Visibility in Contemporary Art/History is organized by the Dallas Museum of A rt. Free General Admission to the Dallas Museum of A rt is funded, in part, by the Robert Gerard Pollock Foundation. Additional support for the Museum is provided by generous DM A Members and donors, the Texas Commission on the A rts, and the citizens of Dallas through the City of Dallas Office of A rts and Culture. Learn more at E XHIB ITION SUPPOR T LOC A L SUPPOR T

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