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PaperCity Dallas June 2024

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Lillian M. Collection PAPERCITY PROMOTION Getting to Know F or Linda Lyons, co-owner of the Dallas-based fine jewelry brand Lillian M. Collection, helping clients take the next step in their wedding journey and profess their love is all in a day's work. The wedding planner and fine jewelry proprietor is no stranger to helping her clients achieve happily ever after. She breaks down the path to getting there, how she started her own business, and new directions in wedding jewelry. Why did you decide to start Lillian M. Collection? Linda Lyons: I have a fashion background and started my career working for big- box retailers as a buyer across the United States, including a jewelry store. Then I dove head-first into the wedding industry and launched an event-planning business. I combined my skill set, as well as passion for fashion and aesthetics, and learned the wedding industry. That's where I met my current business partner, Keith Walters, who owns the largest number of wedding venues in Texas. We combined forces, joining my jewelry experience with his familiarity with the industry to create a company that captures the wedding market from the point of "I Do." Armed with this expertise, we launched the jewelry store, Lillian M. Collection, in Dallas first as consultation only in January 2023, then expanded into a full e-commerce offering that fall. What sets Lillian M. Collection apart? LL: Our client experience. We have a very small boutique feel, where we help our clients personalize both the experience and the final product. Many of our clients have gone to big-box retailers by the time they get to us and may feel overwhelmed. We offer a one-on-one experience with our small but mighty sales team, who slow down the process and explain every aspect of the process of purchasing wedding jewelry. We walk customers through the Four Cs of buying a diamond. Education and visualization are huge, so we offer a custom design experience that leads to a digital rendering of what the final ring will look like. Trends in engagement rings and wedding bands? LL: We're seeing a big uptick in clients coming to the store together, to talk through the design, and truly comprehend what's possible. We're also seeing a trend back to a solitaire setting, which creates a very impactful statement. Another trend is the use of mixed metals. For example, someone may have a platinum band, but the basket may be rose gold. And we love seeing how many people are repurposing heirloom stones and jewelry. This is such a special, custom touch for your ring, making it an object to pass down. For wedding bands, we're seeing a penchant for personalization and customization. For example, we just had a client who was inspired by a flower they saw on a wallpaper and wanted to incorporate that into their ring. What do you love about the Dallas wedding market? LL: Dallas is a huge mecca for the wedding industry. Although we're a big city, the industry feels very small, and we use the community to better assist our customers. We receive many referrals from people we know within the wedding industry who love our products and trust our brand. Similarly, we offer a rewards program for Lillian M. clients that provides savings and additional perks with various wedding services including venues, planning, floral, photography, and so much more. We're the first step for our clients towards the big "I Do," and we love to stay connected through milestones, such as anniversaries, babies, and more. It's the start of a long relationship that makes it so special. Lillian M Collection 17250 Dallas Pkwy, Suite E, Dallas, TX 75248 940.222.5636 Linda Lyons 66

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