PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Dallas June 2024

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36 HOW DO YOU SAY C r e a t i v e d i r e c t o r Jonathan Anderson has transformed the Spanish fashion house Loewe (loo-ev-ay) into one of the most important players in the fashion world, heralded by both the fashion elite and kids on the street. Now the talk of the fashion industry, Anderson is pushing boundaries as he fuses artist collaborations into a diverse range of products including home goods, fragrances, ready-to- wear, and leather goods. And lucky for us, the first Loewe boutique in Texas opened last December in Highland Park Village. In 2016, Anderson founded the Loewe Foundation Craft Prize to recognize extraordinary talent in the craft field. The award furthers Loewe's mission while shining light on the importance of craft and workmanship in today's world. Finalists include craft artists representing 16 countries and regions, working in ceramics, wood, textile, and furniture to paper, basketry, glass, metal, jewelry, lacquer, and leather. Many of the works reimagine found and recycled materials in unexpected ways. You can see 30 of them on display at Palais de Tokyo in Paris through Sunday, June 9. Anderson has also entered the world of film as costume designer for Challengers, directed by Luca Guadagnino, who often uses fashion as a vehicle to move the plot forward. Taking center stage here is Loewe's I Told Ya shirt, with its nod to the Kennedy family — a not-so- subtle hint as to the motivations of Josh O'Conner's character. (O'Conner is the Loewe Global Brand Ambassador.) Both the sweatshirt and T-shirt can be found at Steven Hempel L-O-E-W-E Miki Asai, Japan, Still Life Ange Dakouo, Mali, Harmony of Grigris Jeremy Frey, United States, Symphony in Ash Luis Santos Montes, Spain, Cristalización Orgánica Esmeralda Ferna Jacobs, United States, Origins

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