PaperCity Magazine

Round Top Summer 2024

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(Continued from page 22) Fashion Fields in the V i n c e n t P e a c h c o n t i n u e d i t s l o n g s t a n d i n g G o u r m e t Wi n e Dinner and Fashion Show tradition inside Duo Modern restaurant and event space at Market Hill. This season marked the eighth rendition of the event, with looks by designer Michelle Garcia Couture paired with Vincent Peach Fine Jewelry. Guests dined on a four-course dinner while models meandered through the tables in resort-style looks including swimwear, airy caftans, dresses, and boots and hats. Coty Cole, Denver Courtney at The 550 Shannon Vance, Kristin Light, Katy Bader Lizzy Chesnut Bentley at The 550 Laura Goodson in Balmain at The 550 Beth Weishuhn Andy Johnson at Dirty Bohemian Shepherd Stone at Dirty Bohemian Kelly Anzilotti at The 550 Shepherd Stone, Mimi Rogers at Dirty Bohemian Samuel Mitchell at The 550 Alex Harrover at The 550 Marla Hurley at The 550 Courtney Slade at The 550 Angela Marc at Dirty Bohemian 24

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