PaperCity Magazine

Round Top Summer 2024

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FOLLOW ONLINE ROUNDTop • S H O W G U I D E • R E S T A U R A N T S • S H O P P I N G • H O M E D E S I G N • R E A L E S T A T E • C U L T U R E • E V E N T S For Everything Round Top and ... 979.317.7255 BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS ESTATE PLANNING (wills, trusts, etc.) ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATE REAL ESTATE OIL AND GAS LITIGATION Free consultation up to 15 minutes for each new maer. A•er you hire us the first time, each new project also gets 15 minutes no charge. Houston | Austin | La Grange Serving all of Texas Holmes Law Ad Winter .indd 1 Holmes Law Ad Winter .indd 1 10/6/22 11:40 AM 10/6/22 11:40 AM

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