PaperCity Magazine

Round Top Summer 2024

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CONTENTS SUMMER 2024 COVER CREDITS: Peggy and Mike Strode's 1880s farmhouse near New Ulm. Photography Jack Thompson. Page 34. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 6 Future Round Top Antiques & Design Show Dates 12 Round About Round Top: Round Top Film Festival; Round Top Auction 14 Round About Round Top: Mark Chapman at Red & White Gallery; Newman's Castle; Round Top Folk Art Festival at The Compound; Blue Hills expansion 16 Round About Round Top: Zapp Hall fire fundraisers; Round Top Village expansion; Turnverein restoration in Bellville 18 Social: Fashion in the Fields 26 Social: A Night at the Theater Gala benefiting Fayetteville Community Theater Project 28 Social: Asleep at the Wheel at Round Top Festival Institute; Jordan Geibel art opening at Sapana; The Future of Building at The Halles; Kim Hoegger Home's Farmhaus Dinner; One Square Mile Music Festival 34 Design: Peggy and Mike Strode's historic farmhouse near New Ulm 46 Social: PaperCity and Benjamin Moore Designer Dinner by A Fare Extraordinaire — A Night in Marrakech 52 Social: Sip & Shop roundup 55 Summer (into Fall) Calendar 56 Hot Properties: What's for sale in the Round Top area 8

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