PaperCity Magazine

April 2019- Dallas

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Her gallery focuses on contemporary works, and she exhibits emerging and mid-career artists. The gallery's engaging, sometimes provocative program works with artists whose creative process involves both traditional and alternative forms, including painting, sculpture, new media, photography, sculptural installation, and public intervention. To inaugurate her new space this month, Cluley is opening a pair of solo shows: "Echo" by artist Chul-Hyun Ahn and "Lines" by Catherine MacMahon. Ahn, who was born and studied art in Korea, marries light, color, and illusion in his sculptures that investigate the concept of infi nite space. The pieces allow the viewer to contemplate varied meanings i n c l u d i n g physical and spiritual travel. In contrast, Dallas- based MacMahon installs steel rods that have been painstakingly w r a p p e d i n thread alongside f r e e s t a n d i n g sculptures made f r o m f o u n d demolished concrete blocks with protruding rebar lines. While the new Riverbend gallery solves many of Cluley's brick-and-mortar dilemmas — the location is ideal in its proximity to other galleries and foot traffi c, and the space itself is more functional with movable walls and ample parking — there is still the question of how to reach a global audience. Her answer comes in digital form, with the debut of ECG Virtual. The virtual gallery, which also debuts this month, will have curated exhibitions offered solely online. Stemming from Cluley's belief that the viewing of world-class art should be democratized, ECG Virtual's quarterly exhibitions will be envisioned not by traditional curators, but by a mix of creative types. It's all part of her desire to break down boundaries, tapping the eye of creative individuals who live and work adjacent to the art world, as opposed to those in sacred art professions (i.e., museum curators and art historians). At press time, Cluley could confi rm that style maker Fred Holston was already set to curate an online show. Call it art in the eye of the beholder. "Echo" and "Lines," Saturday, April 6, through Saturday, May 4, at Erin Cluley Gallery, 150 Manufacturing St., Erin Cluley Catherine MacMahon, studio view, photographed by Allison V. Smith, 2018 HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU, FORT WORTH. IT'S OFFICIAL: THIS FALL, WE'RE HEADING WEST WITH A SEMIANNUAL MAGAZINE EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUR CITY. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER. FASHION + ART + DESIGN AN ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE, REIMAGINED MODERN-DAY MOGULS FALL FASHION: ERUDITE and ETHEREAL INSIDE THE ART WORLD RETAIL VISIONARIES ON THE RISE THE NEW STATE of PHILANTHROPY PARTIES! YEARS INTO THE GAME, PAPERCITY IS BRINGING FORT WORTH INTO ITS FASHIONABLE FOLD. LAUNCH DATE : SEPTEMBER 2019 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: SAMANTHA OLGUIN SAMANTHA@PAPERCITYMAG.COM, 972.764.2383

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