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in a world where fashion and art live as one. PhotograPhy MoLLy DICKSoN, SIStErBrothEr MaNagEMENt, DaLLaS. art DIrECtIoN MIChELLE avIƱa. StyLISt Doug voISIN wIth Iaa . MoDELS MaXwELL wIth waLLFLowEr MaNagEMENt, DaLLaS; BraD wILLIaMS wIth KIM DawSoN agENCy, DaLLaS. grooMINg roCIo vIELMa , SEaMINX , DaLLaS. aSSIStaNt StyLISt ChrIStINE aguILar. PhotograPhED at uNIvErSIty oF houStoN. at "CoLor FIELD," thE FIrSt CuratED EXhIBItIoN oF outDoor SCuLPturE PrESENtED at uh For thE tEMPorary PuBLIC art PrograM. orgaNIzED By CryStaL BrIDgES MuSEuM oF aMErICaN art, BENtoNvILLE, arKaNSaS, For PuBLIC art oF thE uNIvErSIty oF houStoN SyStEM. thE houStoN PrESENtatIoN oF thE EXhIBItIoN IS gENErouSLy SuPPortED By thE BrowN FouNDatIoN, INC. IN a SPECIaL PortFoLIo, FaShIoN throughout IS DIor MEN, avaILaBLE at thE DIor MEN BoutIquES, DIor.CoM.

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