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VINCENT X 3 MORE THAN 100 YEARS AFTER HIS DEATH, VINCENT VAN GOGH (1853-1890) CONTINUES TO ENTHRALL THE PUBLIC. HIS POPULARITY IS SET TO CRESCENDO YET AGAIN, AS THREE VAN GOGH EXHIBITIONS/EXPERIENCES GRIP HOUSTON'S CULTURE-SEEKING AUDIENCE IN COMING MONTHS. Clockwise: Vincent van Gogh's Field with Irises near Arles, 1888, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston David Hockney's Woldgate Vista, 27 July 2005, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Immersive Van Gogh comes to Houston this summer. OBSESSIONS. DECORATION. SALIENT FACTS. " Hockney-Van Gogh: The Joy of Nature" has opened at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston — a glorious paean to fields of grains, majestic forests, and the restorative beauty of landscape (through June 20). Van Gogh's 10 intense canvases and drawings dialogue with 47 works by David Hockney, marking the first American museum pairing of these talents separated by a century. Revealing to viewers are the parallels between the painters, with Hockney more than holding his own in a series of monumental canvases, vibrant drawings arranged across a grid, innovative works undertaken on an iPad, and perhaps the biggest surprise: a video series displaying the four seasons observed from the British master's beloved Yorkshire Wolds. Two months after the exhibition wraps at the MFAH, Immersive Van Gogh arrives in Houston, boasting 500,000 cubic feet of projections; 60,600 frames of video; and some 90 million pixels (August 12 – October 10). Set to a soundtrack by Italian composer Luca Longobardi and crafted by Italian film producer/creative director Massimiliano Siccardi (whose work was recently featured on Netflix's Emily in Paris), this experiential encounter will be installed in a location yet to be disclosed but billed as the next- gen Lighthouse Artspace. Weeks later, Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience rolls into town (venue still to be revealed), offering another digital take on the canonical painter, via 360-degree projections; 15,000 square feet of screens; and a dose of virtual reality (August 30, 2021 – January 2, 2022). Described as a voyage into the artist's mind, the two- story setup employs technology to dazzling effect to propel its dramatic storytelling narrative. m f a h . o r g , h o u s t o n v a n g o g h . com, Catherine D. Anspon CLOCKWISE: VAN GOGH MUSEUM, AMSTERDAM. DAVID HOCKNEY INC., © DAVID HOCKNEY, PHOTO RICHARD SCHMIDT. COURTESY IMMERSIVE VAN GOGH. 18