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S cot Meacham Wood's affection for tartans and plaids started with his S c o t t i s h g r a n d f a t h e r and continued at Ralph Lauren, where he worked for 13 years. The newly transplanted-to- New York–interior designer (he lived in San Francisco for 26 years) has designed a home collection, SMW Home, which includes check wallcoverings printed on English paper, traditional tartan wools milled in Scotland, and cotton- and-linen textiles printed with chinoiserie-inspired toiles, classic plaids, and Edwardian flowers. OF TARTANS AND TOILE T ribute Goods Fine Linens founder Karen Pulaski knew she would regret it if she didn't take over the space next to Tribute Goods (the former Octavia Gallery) in Hollywood Square on West Alabama — even in the midst of a pandemic. The extra 1,000 square feet allowed her to expand her offerings of L'Objet accessories, Liz Marsh lamps, handmade Italian copper flower sculptures, and hand- loomed 4-ply cashmere blankets from Nepal. She also created an outlet for Tribute Goods fine Italian bedding, as well as space for pillows crafted from Hermès scarves and to-the- trade designer fabrics that fly out the door faster than you can say 70/30 feather/down fill. Tribute Goods' artisanal linens — sourced from the same mill that made Pratesi — are now exclusively available via the West Alabama shop and the website. In fact, stock of all Tribute Goods collections is maintained here — something unheard of these days. The new space has a canopy bed by L.A. designer Windsor Smith for Century Furniture, for which Tribute Goods is a dealer. The space allows Pulaski's designer friends to room-scheme and present to clients. Tribute Goods Fine Linens, 3637 W. Alabama St. in Hollywood Square, tributegoods. com. Anne Lee Phillips PAYING TRIBUTE 48 Wood has added furniture of his own design including upholstered sofas, chairs, ottomans, and headboards, as well as pillows, tartan wool throws and accessories to his offerings. A former concert pianist, Wood mixes old-world elegance, a love of Great Britain, and his Scottish and Southern heritage with a refreshing sartorial panache to evoke an elegant bygone era. SMW Home, at scotmeachamwoodhomecom. Rebecca Sherman SMW Home collection of fabrics Scot Meacham Wood ART + DECORATION S amuel & Sons' new Oceania collection of embroidered linen borders is as fresh as a Pacific breeze. Designers at the venerable 75-year-old passementerie company studied sea life around the Hawaiian Islands and interpreted what they saw into graphic patterns, captured in colors of warm white sands, vivid corals, and deep blue waters. To the trade at Culp Associates, Decorative Center Houston, 5120 Woodway Dr., Rebecca Sherman DESIGN AQUATIC The newly expanded Tribute Goods Samuel & Sons Oceania