PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston May 2021

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MONDAY, MAY 17 through FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 For TXDW Inquiries and Sponsorship Opportunities, email TICKETS ON SALE NOW! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @TEXASDESIGNWEEK LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK/TEXASDESIGNWEEK Texas Design Week Houston. Five days of salon talks, panel discussions, book signings, cocktails and product launches. For tickets and complete schedule, go to Mark D. Sikes Speaker at Paloma & Co. and Matt Camron Rugs Lauren Rottet Speaker at Circa Lighting Bobby McAlpine Speaker at Design in Bloom Ray Booth Speaker at Design in Bloom and Hickory Chair Houston Keith Williams Speaker at Design in Bloom Margot Shaw Speaker at Design in Bloom Laura Dowling Speaker at Design in Bloom Celerie Kemble Speaker at OKA Paloma Contreras Speaker at Circa Lighting Charles Neal Moderator at Circa Lighting Richard Anuszkiewicz aka Richard A to Z Speaker at COOKCHILL Marie Flanigan Speaker at Circa Lighting Christopher Spitzmiller Speaker at Found Design in Bloom Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at The Houston Design Center in Coordination with Texas Design Week Houston. 64

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