PaperCity Magazine

PaperCity Houston May 2023

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Clare & Leigh Leppert are real estates agent affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by federal, state and local Equal Housing Opportunity laws Clare and Leigh Leppert The Mother Daughter Duo Our Family Helping Your Family Through All Seasons of Life Q&A with Clare & Leigh The Mother's Day Edition How did you come together as a team? L: Last Fall, 2022, we celebrated the introduction of our real estate collaboration! Clare shared a 20+ year real estate partnership with her mother, Bette Carpenter, until Bette's death in 2016. Having worked solo for several years, Clare was awarded Houston Business Journal's No. 2 Luxury RealtorĀ® in Houston, in 2021. I have worked in marketing for the past decade, and have always shared a passion for real estate and design and was able to see how a mom could successfully balance family and a vigorous career. Clare was ready for a new partnership, so we are recreating the next generation of a mother daughter duo at Compass! How does your partnership benefit your business? C: My experience in the luxury market for the last 20+ years is enhanced by Leigh's fresh take on marketing and insight on the ever-evolving Houston neighborhoods. We recognize that real estate is so much more than just "the house." Exceeding client expectations, personalized marketing, skillful negotiating, hand-holding and successfully maneuvering in changing markets are what we do best. When you're not working, what do you enjoy doing together? C: Leigh is keeping me young! We try fun new restaurants, sometimes we play good cop/bad cop and she's always encouraging me to "up" my social media game. L: It really never feels like work when we are together! I love our patio hangsā€¦ drinking wine, eating dinner and manifesting our next big deal! Our dogs are also great friends, so it's fun watching them grow up together. Clare Leppert Realtor Associate M: 832.725.0056 Leigh Leppert Realtor Associate M: 949.600.3611

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