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Lela Rose TAKES ROUND TOP X DEUX (Continued from page 38) L ela Rose was again in the limelight the following evening as a contingent of fashion followers flocked for wine, cocktails, and insider tales about entertaining in the great outdoors taken from her latest book, Fresh Air Affairs: Entertaining in Style in the Great Outdoors (Rizzoli). Round Top Seen: Zoe Bonnette, Mae Murrell, Claire Kuhlkin, Kelsey Halford, Linda Plant, Tim Grimes, Kristen Cannon, Sarah Dionne, Michele Leal, Misty Smathers, Laura Dell, Lauren Wills Grover, Andrea Riebeling, Debbie Porter, John David Robbins, Bryan Beene, Kelly Reish, Robin Gosserand, Jennifer Meaders, Ashley Bishop, Sommer Bukowski, Becky Hollands, Kristina Rosenwasser, Ashley Hawkins, Carmon Gordon, Kelli Stanford, Meridith Wallace, Stephanie Lawrence, Lauren Courville, Meredith Crotty, Ellecia Knolle, Stephanie Jackson, Melanie Nelson, Chuck Brown, Dana Vidal, Daniel Zimmerman, Ally Shell-van Koolwijk, Donae Chramosta, Hannah Swiggard, Kendra Smith, Kim Cooper, Thy Mitchell, Thuan Nguyen, Taylor Shaeffer, Camie Drinkwater, MacKenzie Wray, Jennifer Lloyd, Madeleine Morgan, Jamie Pellegrin, Monte Brown, Brandi Moore, Randy Jones, and John Poteet, Ana Aiza, Coral Toledo, hatmaker Ashley Botts Willis, and Suzanne Wade. Partygoers: 1. Lela Rose showcased her Ranch Collection 2. Performer Laman Hendricks 3. Bryan Beene, Lauren Wills Grover John David Robbins 4. Sarah Johnson dressed by The Halles 5. Ana Aiza, Catherine D. Anspon, Moreau Paris handbag winner Christi Houser Mary Hoang-Do 6. Ashley Hawkins, Carmon Gordon Kelli Stanford 7. Lauren Courville, Meredith Crotty 8. Coral Toledo, Ana Aiza 9. Tim Grimes, Linda Plant 10. Thy Mitchell, Thuan Nguyen 11. Andy Do & Mary Hoang-Do 12. MacKenzie Wray, Jennifer Lloyd Madeleine Morgan 13. Kelly Reish, Robin Gosserand 14. Hannah Swiggard Donae Chramosta, Kristen Cannon 15. Ellecia Knolle 16. Melanie Nelson, Stephanie Jackson 17. Taylor Shaeffer, Camie Drinkwater 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 16. 12. 13. 17. 14. 15.