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C ontact me today for more information. WALTER BERING #1 TOP PRODUCER 713.8 51.975 3 | walter.bering W A L T E R B E R I N G . C O M W A L T E R B E R I N G . C O M @WALTERBERINGSOTHEBYS CLICK ME! All of these unique listings have a customized proper ty website. Check out the link in each photo for additional proper ty details and a video on each listing. Take a vir tual showing! BUNKER HILL GARDENS| $4.9+M 7GAGECOURT.COM TANGLEWOOD | $6.1+M 110MAPLEVALLEY.COM WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE | $3.4+M 6644BROMPTON.COM GLENDOWER COURT | $2.1+M 2302KINGSTON.COM NEW LISTING! NEW LISTING! REDUCED!