PaperCity Magazine

October 2013 - Houston

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Things Get Crafty for HCCC KIM COFFMAN 2501 South Shepherd drive houSton, texaS 77019 tueSday to Saturday 10 to 6pm By appoinment (713) 829-9980 I Chairmen Carrin Patman Paula Arnold, Sara Morgan t was an artsy afternoon as droves of Houston's art-loving populace made their way to the Crafting a Legacy Spring Luncheon benefitting Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (HCCC). Chairmen Sara Morgan, Carrin Patman, and Paula Arnold welcomed nearly 350 guests to the River Oaks Country Club for an afternoon of fabulous food and fund-raising. A silent auction featuring jewelry from HCCC's Asher Gallery, as well as sculptures and craft objects created from vintage Louis Vuitton bags donated by silent auction chair Donae Chramosta. Aesthetes Franci and Jim Crane were honored for their countless contributions to Houston's arts and cultural life. Additional acclaim went to honoree Clint Willour, who received a Texas Master Award for his lifelong influence on the arts in Texas. The day proved to be an altruistic affair, as $250,000 was raised for HCCC, with many taking home unique pieces artists in residence there. Legacy lunching: Paula Arnold, HCCC executive director Julie Farr, Rich Kinder, Cara Barer, Janice Jakielski, Robert Thomas Mullen, Jenny Lynn Weitz, Edward Lane McCartney, Diane Caplan, Amy Purvis, Brad Boucher, Melanie Lawson, Francoise Djerejian, and Kathryn Rabinow. Carrie Cowan Anuncio Houston OK.indd 1 9/12/13 5:01 PM Diane Caplan, Donae Chramosta Lucinda Loya Bob Lordi, Julie Farr Fred Baldwin, Wendy Watriss Honoree Clint Willour Honorees Franci & Jim Crane OCTOBER | PAGE 41 | 2013

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