PaperCity Magazine

October 2013 - Houston

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CHRIS BROWN Girls' Night Out at Joseph with Hilton Hollis Alana Highberger, Marika Horn Jillian Seerden J oseph owner Shirley Wexner welcomed some of Houston's hippest femmes to a special Girls' Night Out at her heel haven, Joseph, in Highland Village. Between cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, the gals hobnobbed with designer Hilton Hollis — in town for a trunk show of his collection — and indulged in some retail therapy, as a portion of the evening's sales benefitted Texas Children's Hospital. Kicking up their heels: store manager Dan Cochran, Katelynn Denney, Alana Highberger, Lana Hilliard, Marika Horn, Elaine Koons, Nancy Robbins, Jillian Seerden, and Stephanie Sheffield. Erin Oppenheim Randi Smith, Katherine Paquette Hilton Hollis, Shirley Wexner Sue Lyus, Dan Cochran KIRBY & COMPANY Al Barrios, Claudia Sotelo dennis brackeen design group Kirby & Company 1013.indd 1 2031 west alabama houston, tx 77098 713.636.2340 9/19/13 3:22 PM

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