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chez GEORGE T H I S M A E S T R O O F G O O D TA S T E C A N R E A L LY W O R K A R O O M Y ou'll never have to drag an opinion out of George Cameron Nash. After 36 years of assiduous collecting and 26 years at the helm of respected showrooms in Houston and Dallas, he is unquestionably savvy, confidently authoritative and ferociously outspoken. His commitment to the best of everything is evident in the names he represents — Rose Tarlow, Holly Hunt, Christian Liaigre, and other design world luminaries — and in the home he and partner Mark Williams share in a midcentury mid-rise on Turtle Creek in Dallas. Their second-floor aerie sits at treetop level. Why? "Dallas doesn't have any views," he says, "so the second floor is perfect; I get to see magnolias and oaks. One floor higher, and I'd see air conditioning units." Finding the apartment was, he says, "a total fluke. We had a house in Highland Park when a very good friend, who lives in this building, suggested we might want to take a look at this space." All it took was one walk-through, "and we said, 'We're moving.'" Nash loves the treehouse feel of their corner apartment, framed by an expansive L-shaped balcony and walls of windows. "Every time I walk in, the environment feels like I'm in a secluded corner of a marvelous building," he says. "It's one of the only buildings in Dallas designed and built by the same person [the prominent Dallas architect George Dahl]." The flow of the residence is impeccable. There are almost no interior doors, but each room is clearly defined in the clean lines of the architecture and the thoughtful composition of furnishings. "Nothing has ever been so perfect architecturally," Nash says. "I love to change things, but there wasn't a darn thing I saw that I wanted to change." New carpet in the bedrooms was the only modification before the couple moved in. Everywhere else, sable-tinted hardwoods and undraped windows keep the feeling open and relaxed. The space has evolved through the years. "It's about a mix that makes sense; as long as the quality is good, the mix will always work," he says. "The best has nothing to do with price; it's characterized by originality and quality, which result in longevity." In many ways, this apartment takes Nash back to his childhood in Houston. "I grew up in a modern home with great big windows and architectural reveals, so this place is very much like that. And it has the right proportions of walls and Continued on page 76 B Y K A R E N M U N C Y. P H O T O G R A P H Y K A Y E U N G . A R C H I T E C T G E O R G E D A H L , C I R C A 1 9 6 4 .